Monday, August 30, 2010

ugh day 1 blues

so lets be honest here I'm a punk...........yeah I said a punk!
I did not eat anything all day. So at around 3:30p I decide I want to begin.Bad move now I'm hungry and I can smell every delectible bite just from the scrumptious pictures.I drank my liter of salt water and guess what happened? I threw up all of it! I thought this was supposed to make my bowels move ...ugh. So you know I wanna quit right. Well, I can't, I must go on. I guess that means smooth move in the morning and evening. Oh well now let's grab a delectible glass to quinch my hunger .............yum!

and we're off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of Oz.............peace

1 comment:

  1. My husband had that same reaction to salt water. Now with me, the salt water worked before I could even get half way through it. I actually never got to the end. To say I got results is an understatement. I know, TMI again. Sorry, TMI is what I
